Author: Rev. Joanna

Get Good, Do Good, Celebrate

I write this, sitting at my desk Wednesday evening. I can hear Gouri’s tabla drums from his lesson, conversation down the hall from a meeting, and – Joy of Joys – the choir rehearsing in the sanctuary. I would be lying if I said I … read more.

Invocation, 3-17-2022

The Leander mayor invited Rev. Joanna to give the invocation at the March 17 Leander City Council Meeting. Here are her words:

Before I begin, I want to share with you something I found about former Leander city councilperson Curtis Corley, who died March 8 … read more.

While I’m on Sabbatical

April 3 – August 31, I will be on sabbatical, finding renewal so that I may return in September with the energy and creativity you’ll need in a minister as we jump into the next (and hopefully post-pandemic) stage of our church.

Here’s what that … read more.

Friends and Co-Conspirators

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Yeah, but what if we linked up several of those groups? — Rev. Joanna

A pastor, a minister, and a rabbi … read more.

Sabbatical, Take Two

Back in 2020, we were all preparing for my sabbatical. It was going to begin April 1.

“Ha ha ha ha ha,” we laugh, without mirth.

We rather swiftly decided to delay the sabbatical, a wise decision, but it is now possible for me … read more.

Reaching Back to the Ancestors for Answers

I woke up early this morning, my soul stirring, wanting answers. My heart was already heavy from the letter written by our Texas governor calling gender-affirming care “abuse” and directing government agencies to investigate any reported cases and for all people to turn on their … read more.

The Religious Power of “We”

A news story set in a Catholic church has zipped around the world, leaving confusion in its wake.

The Rev. Andres Arango for decades said “We baptize you in the name of the …” instead of “I baptize you in the name of …” After … read more.

New Faces, New Plans, New Energy

As I write this, the cold front is in and I’m looking out my window at snow (!) and ice, knowing I can’t leave the house. The covid dashboard for Austin shows that though cases are coming down, and fairly rapidly, we are still in … read more.