Children and Youth

Each month families can find a chalice lighting, a playlist, and stories for the month to use at home with their children, ages PreK-5th, at the link below.
Faith Development Programming
Please note that when we have outdoor worship due to COVID we will meet at 10:00 AM for worship and 11:00 AM for faith development classes.
All Sunday morning faith development programming begins at 10:30 AM, between our worship services. Our program strives to engage the whole child in learning more about themselves and the world around them through hearing stories from our heritage and history as well as current events, and engaging in reflection and hands-on activities. Using a lens of personal experience and stories from others, we explore how to live into our potential as Unitarian Universalists, both within our church community and the world at large.
Nursery – Crawlers up to Age 3
Our indoor nursery space will reopen in January with no staffing at present. Families who wish to worship with their young children who are unable to mask are invited to use the nursery at their discretion. In the nursery you may livestream the service via bluetooth projector or you may worship in the comfort rooms at the back of our sanctuary. Only one family or pod per comfort room. And of course you are always welcome to join us in the sanctuary for worship!
Children ages 3-5 participate in our PreK program where they are encouraged to learn more about the rituals and values of Unitarian Universalism in a caring, cooperative environment. We use Unitarian Universalist curriculum for our story and directed activities. Play is a large part of our PreK class because we believe that play is a vital component of learning and it brings joy!
When we return to indoor classes, our PreK room will be open for Children’s Chapel during our worship services and our religious education programming between services.
Elementary Grades
When we meet outside, we will do an adapted, simplified version of RE CHOICES, with activities set out each Sunday for children of all ages to select from.
Our elementary classroom is adapted from the workshop rotation model, and engages learning about UU identity and values while developing critical thinking skills. After a story and sharing, children choose how to continue their learning for the day by selecting from available activities which include art, play/drama, more reading and reflection, or spiritual practice. Our classroom guides lead them each week, providing support for their learning in a caring and positive environment.
Introducing RE Choices, an adapted format for Sunday morning faith development designed to serve all ages. Anyone 5 and up is invited to gather in room 205 for an opening circle and an intro to the day’s theme. Following the circle, the following spaces are open to explore the theme:
Story Corner – books, puppets, writing materials
Active Games and Puzzles Room
Art Room
Meditation Room
Youth Ministry
9.27.21: our class groupings for youth ministry this fall are 5th-7th grade (Junior Youth) and 8th-12th grade (Senior Youth)
Junior Youth 6th – 8th Grade
Junior Youth group meets growing adolescents where they are as they explore more deeply how they fit in, what they believe, how to be leaders and how to act for justice in our world. Adult advisors provide supportive guidance and learning opportunities to help youth develop leadership and express their beliefs in the church community. The young youth spend time in fellowship and fun as they rotate through various activities on Sunday morning.
Senior Youth 9th – 12th Grade
Senior Youth group focuses on UU faith formation and develops leadership skills collaboratively with advisors and the Director of Lifespan Faith Development (DLFD). They begin their year with community building and discern areas of learning and engagement in social action for the year. Wider UU events, Youth Rallies, Leadership Training, Worship Leader, and a Teacher Track are also avenues your youth may want to undertake.
Social Action Learning
Engaging in Social Action is an important part of our faith formation. We strive to foster awareness of injustice and instill the courage and resilience in our children to stand up for justice in their lives. Most months a Social Action project or activity will be built into the program. Occasionally these may be larger learning opportunities for all ages, based on worship and actions the congregation is taking.
Learning Together
Opportunities for multigenerational learning are part of my mission as Director of Lifespan Faith Formation. I believe that the church community is one of the rare remaining places where children, youth and all ages of adults are in a covenanted relationship of mutual respect and care. Worshipping together is one way we learn in multigenerational community. We also offer multigenerational learning events each year.
More Info
Our classes are divided into groups depending on enrollment numbers. You can assist in our planning by registering your child for our program. These groups meet weekly during Faith Development time.
For the latest information on what’s happening each week for the age groups check Faith Development News, posted each Monday.