The Leander mayor invited Rev. Joanna to give the invocation at the March 17 Leander City Council Meeting. Here are her words:
Before I begin, I want to share with you something I found about former Leander city councilperson Curtis Corley, who died March 8 at the age of 96. In a 1987 newspaper article in the Austin American Statesman about the opening of the brand new Leander Library, which Curtis and his wife Blanche had spearheaded, it talked about how Curtis had built shelves for the library with his own two hands. And he’s quoted as saying, “I’m just a vehicle. Whatever folks need, I’m here.”
Would you now please join me in prayer.
Spirit of Life, God of different understandings, which we call by many names, or no name, but who calls each of us ‘beloved,’ we lift up this prayer:
Thank you for the life of Curtis Corley and his love for Leander that he turned into service. May his wife, Blanche, and his family and friends feel peace during their time of mourning, and may they be sustained by their memories of him.
May we, too, be vehicles for the needs of this community. When we hear a call to make things better in our little corner of the world, may we respond with, “Here am I. Send me.”
May these leaders before us continue to be gifted with wisdom and clarity and vision for what is possible. May each decision be made by seeing the full diversity of our townspeople with their differing needs and with consideration for how the decisions will affect their lives.
May each of us listen for the still small voice within that calls us to contribute in different ways to the building of the Beloved Community, especially the call to treat one another with dignity, respect, and kindness.
In the name of all that is sacred and true, we say, Amen and blessed be.