The goal of Hands on Housing (HoH) is to help homeowners safely remain in the homes and neighborhoods they love.

Every six months, volunteers from area churches work on repairing, painting, and upgrading the homes of elderly and/or disabled people in the Austin Area. This helps the homeowner to maintain the home and stay in the home.

Hands on Housing is sponsored by Interfaith Action of Central Texas (iACT), which supplies paint, tools, supplies and a lunch. Live Oak UU supports this worthy program by providing volunteers twice a year in Spring and Fall  We are partnering with other churches in the Austin area. Volunteers are needed at all skill levels. Chores range from carpentry work, exterior painting, to trimming bushes. There are the options to work in the morning, afternoon, or all day. All volunteers must be sixteen years of age or above. 

Register as a volunteer by completing this brief form.

If you have any questions send an email HoH Volunteer Coordinator

Learn more about the iAct Hands on Housing Program.

House painting project, Spring 2014

Mission Statement:

To lead actions of compassion beyond the Live Oak community by working in conjunction with iAct (Interfaith Action of Central Texas) and their Hands on Housing outreach initiative to repair and revitalize the homes of senior citizens and disabled homeowners who are living in deep poverty.

Spring Blitz is happening!  Save the date, April 5-25.