Share The Plate Community Outreach Program
Share and increase the monthly contribution of Live Oak members and guests to worthy organizations in our community. All checks and envelopes marked “Share the Plate” and half of all undesignated cash will be donated to recipients.
- All donations must go to a 501(c)(3) certified entity.
- A portion of every service offering collection is donated.
- Advertising and other means are used to increase awareness of and participation in this program.
- An annual roster of recipients is created by early December of the previous year.
- As world and local events warrant, the Share The Plate team will alter this roster during the year.
Each year, the team provides input on the next year’s recipients, and in what order. All of the congregation is invited to recommend recipients. Activities of the Share the Plate Team is coordinated with the Chair of Community Outreach.
Actions and Plans
The Share the Plate team made substantial operational changes to the program. Share the Plate has been expanded to collect funds on every Sunday per month instead of one. A representative from the receiving organization is invited to make a special presentation during a service and remain after to provide additional information, answer questions, and discuss volunteer opportunities. Advertising efforts have been expanded to include a regularly updated bulletin board in the narthex.
Month | Recipient | Amount Collected |
Jan | Hill Country Community Ministries | $1,882.96 |
Feb | LunchCounts! | $1,120.00 |
Mar | SAFE: Stop Abuse for Everyone | $656.69 |
Apr | Minister’s Discretionary Fund | $2,795.22 |
May | Via Hope: Texas Mental Health Resource | $446.24 |
Jun | UBarU | $1,274.65 |
Jul | ATX Helps | $413.19 |
Aug | Samaritan Health Ministries | $474.56 |
Sept | Freedom to Read | $588.39 |
Oct | Breast Cancer Resource Center | $478.39 |
Nov | Resolve | $609.39 |
Dec | Kind Clinic | $348.54 |
Minister’s Discretionary Fund | $200.00 | |
2021 Recipients
January | Hill Country Community Ministries | $900.00 | |
February | Minister’s Discretionary Fund | $2,750.00 | |
March | The Safe Alliance | $470.00 | |
April | RIP Medical Debt | $1,380.00 | |
May | Texas Critter Crusaders | $324.25 | |
June | NAMI-Austin | $585.00 | |
July | U-Bar-U | $1,068.25 | |
August | Planned Parenthood of Greater TX | $758.90 | |
Refugee Services of Austin | $1,700.00 | ||
September | Anti-Defamation League | $780.00 | |
October | Camp Kesem | $365.00 | |
Fix the Plate | $347.50 | ||
November | Round Rock Serving Center | $1,121.09 | |
December | Minister’s Discretionary Fund | ||
$12,549.99 |
For more information, contact Becky Gregory.