There are many ways to contribute to Social Justice at Live Oak through the community outreach programs including special fundraising actions to benefit local agencies.

Through Social Justice, we find one way of connecting our experiences as UUs to the wider world. People at Live Oak have been living the values of their faith through their commitment to working for social justice. Over the past few years, the team has involved church people in volunteering at Hill Country Ministries food pantry, helping to feed homeless people through Austin Resource for Chronic Homelessness, operating a literacy justice program and collecting gifts for children at Christmas.  The church supports service opportunities that fulfill three basic criteria: they hold true to our UU principles; children and young adults can participate; and a high level of interest and energy exist in the congregation for the particular project. We have seen an ever-increasing number of people become involved in social action projects and anticipate that as our church grows, so will our involvement in the wider world.